Consumption, Members, Podcasts

May 22, 2024

Dinner With Bob Lutz


There are so many ways to indulge in car culture. Some people are about amassing a collection. Others tuck into the details of matching numbers and period correctness. Some restore, some tune. Different strokes for different folks and all avenues are correct. At Classic Car Club, we don’t get too bothered about the provenance or rarity. We’re in it for the experience. Our cars are a gateway to an adventure, a road trip or a weekend that would have been ordinary without the accompaniment of a spectacular car. Our cars shape the arc of our story. This is why we were truly honored to have Bob Lutz share his stories and insights with us for an evening. Bob is the man behind so many cars that we love and that have played a chapter in the stories we write. Without him, our automotive epochs would be short stories.

Thank you Bob.


Hosted by – Bob Sorokanich